We give glory to the Almighty God for sparing our lives and seeing us all through to 2013. I say Welcome to a new year of joy, health and spiritual well being, financial upliftments for us all.
Now the holidays are over and as we journey through 2013 let us take a sober reflection on our lives.
What are your goals for 2013, and how do aim at archiving them
Are you the type that easily makes decisions, sticks to it, and always reaches any goal you focus on? Or are you more likely the type that barely finds time because you’re so overwhelmed by having so much stuff in your plate that you always end up postponing your tasks for a more convenient time?
It’s always that small voice in us that whispers deep down in our soul to get off the couch and go for a walk since our weight has been shooting up the scale and our health starts showing signs of a decline. There is always that "beep" sound in our ears telling us that we have more potentials than we can imagine, yet we stay years after years in that dead-end job that shows no possible outcome for growth.
But, it always "Mr. Saboteur" that quickly reminds us how safe and good it feels to lie down on the couch munching on that succulent bag of potato chips and enjoying our favorite sitcom. Mr Saboteur always reminds us, although we live paychecks to paychecks, although we hate our job that it’s OK because we have made good friends there throughout the years; that our friends will miss us if we leave now. The world will be over if we try to change anything at this point of time. There is always tomorrow. And, again, we self-sabotage and resume our life, like always, in a mild delusion that a day will come where we will do something about it. Of course, you and I know that that day never comes..
Fear is what holds us all back. Fear of humiliation, fear of failure: what if we try and fail. What will our friends, family, others think of us? Fear tells us that we are very busy; that we are not smart or educated enough, not young or old enough, not rich enough or any imaginable excuses. Of course in more subtle ways!
We rationalize our fear in deluding ourselves into thinking that if someone tries to show us a way to do better in life, that he or she must have a hidden agenda to rip us off; that they are probably trying to make money off of us. Fear (False Evidence Appearing Real) is the world’s biggest dreams killer.
That’s where a mentor comes into the picture. We all need a mentor, someone that will show us the steps to take toward our dreams. All great athletes know that to become better and ascent to the world class level, they need a coach. A mentor is to a regular person what a coach is to an athlete. Choose one that is where you want to be, or one that, at least, is following a great turnkey system.
Everything starts with a decision. First, you have to have the desire to see change happening in your life. And then, have the willingness to take some actions. Decide now to listen to that voice that tells you: yes you too can do it!
Goals: how do we achieve them?
“The achievement of your goal is assured the
moment you commit yourself to it.”
Mack R. Douglas
Mack R. Douglas

“The achievement of your goal is assured the moment you commit yourself to it.”Mack R. Douglas
Please feel free to leave your comments below and even better LET ME KNOW , how your hypnosis goes.!!
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